Why we DOUBLED OUR Payroll this year and my favourite investment to date!

Hi there! I'm Aaron Spivak and you received this because you signed up for Aaron’s Newsletter, a weekly (ish) email where I just share whatever is going on in my world of life and business.

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Shoutout to DTCX for inviting me to open up your conference last week!

This Week We Will Cover 3 Things.

1. WHY we DOUBLED our payroll in the first 6 months of the year @ Hush.

2. COLDTURE an investment I am proud of, not because of the return.

  1. NYC July 11th (Founders dinners) Link here to RSVP.

We are taking a HUGE bet this year.
We have officially doubled our payroll 6 months in.


Going from 0 to 48 million per year in 48 months you a required to be scrappy AF.

I am talking customer service tickets in the morning, building new product in the afternoon and shipping out product in the warehouse at night level of scrappy.

However that mindset can become a trap that unfortunately caps you in every area of your life. Regardless if you OWN or OPERATE a business its really not a recipe for long term success.

If you feel the need to still do everything to ‘‘save’’ money. I would bet you are hindering your growth in some capacity.

In fact,
it pains me to see founders on TikTok who are making 6 figures a year still packing orders until midnight.

I DID THAT. Please stop 🙂 (Unless it’s for content)

2x the workforce. Everybody in growth positions.

My advice is to shift your perspective from looking at your employee’s as an expense and start looking at your team as the machine that can push growth.

Our newest positions:

Head Of Growth: (Has made back his salary within his first 60 days)
Head Of Operations: Within his first 30 days we are already seeing savings of over 6 figures.
Senior Video Editor: Being able to pump out new creatives 3x as fast gives us the opportunity to scale our ads. Just a 1% lift in CTR covers his salary in 60 days.

We are still hiring a retention specialist, so if you know anybody that is incredible at email and wants to join us!. Hit me up!

Thinking of hiring after reading this?

Before you do anything read the book WHO by Geoff Smart.
It is equally as important to vet the right people and tap into your network then to just simply hire.

I paid a hiring coach 5k to teach me how to hire.

I later learned that I could have just read this book lol.

ColdTure investment. Why it matters so much to me.

I very rarely talk about my investments. I never saw value in sharing why or who I choose to invest in… not sure why to be honest.

If this is a topic you want me to share more about let me know 🙂.

For me, its all about energy. I want to do things that give me energy with people that amplify it. I also found out through (A LOT) of therapy that I HATE winning alone. Its boring as FUCK!!!

I love building business, I love cold tubbing + I love that my younger brother Michael + long time friend Daniel started this company.

They have been absolutely crushing it and it has been no better feeling than to watch the people you love WIN.

It reminded me how lonely it was early days at Hush when we made our first million and I had hardly anybody to celebrate with…

Make sure to always be the cheerleader for others winning around you and to surround yourself with people who will do the same for you.

There is two types of people.

People that want the best for you.

People that want the best for you, as long as it is not better than them.

Make sure to surround yourself with the first kind.

See you next week,
Love you all,
Aaron S.