How To Hack Your 2024!


Welcome to the LAST newsletter of 2023.

Just wanted to thank you deeply for taking 5 minutes out of your day to read my online diary.

I truly try and provide as much value as possible. If there is anything you would like me to share more of please hit ‘reply’ and let me know 🙂 

This Week We Will Cover 2 Things.

1. The one hack that I am using this year that will ensure I smash my goals. (Please steal it)

2. Is the founders’ club for you?

Right now all I am focused on is goal setting and planning 2024.

Click the image to sign up for my Dec 2028 LIVE workshop.

For the last 7 years, I have been teaching an annual goal-setting workshop.

Every year hundreds of people joined me as I taught the same thing.

It worked. It was magical.

I mean… I built from $0 to $48 million in 4 years using this exact framework.

However, this year I am doing it a little differently.

This year I realized the SINGLE BIGGEST impact on my goals year to year is my ENVIORMENT.

Yes, the people that take up the most amount of head space.

So I’ve created a WhatsApp group exclusively for those joining on the 28th.

We will be able to share our goals, hold each other accountable, and talk through challenges.

The goal is to create an environment of goal crushers.

The workshop sold out early. I got a few messages from people who wanted to join and couldn’t because it sold out.

I am trying to keep it tight this year and not have 500 people like last year.

I have added 10 spots exclusively for the newsletter community.

Hit this link to sign up

The Founders Club Is Taking Off!

I created this club with one of my best friends Chris Meade (CROSSNET).

We designed it to be made up of Founders and CEOs from high-growth physical product brands and select service companies with at least $1M in annual revenue or a previous exit. If you are under this number you can still apply.

We are accepting applications for new members now 🙂 

Click here to apply

Wishing you all a VERY happy holiday, and of course a meaningful new year.

Love you all,
Aaron S.