My secret to building businesses that last 🔑

What I learned about our brain after doing over three thousand pull-ups...

Hey Newsletter Fam!

Aaron here and Happy Thursday!

I'm about 5000 pull-ups deep into this month-long challenge, and I've learned something pretty WILD.

Every single day, I face the same 400+ wide-grip pull-ups. And every single day, my brain comes up with new reasons why I can't finish. But guess what? I keep pushing.

It's made me wonder... what else is our brain preventing us from doing?

And, what separates the entrepreneurs who are successful in building lasting businesses from the ones who aren’t?

After building multiple brands the biggest difference I see is this…

Those who WIN are in it for the long haul.

How many of us are capable of sticking with something for months or years nowadays? 

People think that all you need to do is grind 10 12 15 hour days in order to achieve your goals, but how long can you really maintain this kind of output? A couple of weeks or maybe a couple of months. Eventually, you’re going to get so exhausted that you literally can’t work. 

It's just like my pull-up challenge. Some days, I'm barely scraping by with 200 pull-ups. On other days, I'm crushing 400. The key? I show up EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And I recognize how I’m feeling and if I need to pull back or bang out extra work. 

Even with this newsletter most the time my brain tells me “Aaron you’re not a good writer you should just skip this week” and I struggle to even start… 

But I know the most important thing is to show up even if my grammar isn’t perfect or my flow could be better…

(Thank you for reading my imperfect emails <3 ) 

This inconsistency of not feeling 100% is normal. Your business, like your energy levels, will have ups and downs. Some days you'll feel unstoppable, others you'll question everything. That's not just okay - it's part of the journey. And I hear so many entrepreneurs saying they have a voice in their ear telling them

“You need to be working”

Which is great… but understanding when to be putting in the 10 12 hour days and when to pull back is what will help you not burn out and continue building momentum in your business. 

Two weeks ago we had a very similar discussion at an incredible Founders Club meeting in Toronto. 

It was about the Seasons of Business…

And why recognizing these seasons is CRUCIAL to building momentum and avoiding burnout.

This is exactly why I'm so fired up about Founders Club. It's not just a network - it's a community of entrepreneurs who GET IT. We share these insights, push each other forward, and most importantly, remind each other that we're not alone in this journey.

I’d love to hear your insights at our next event. Apply today! 

That’s all I’ve got for this edition of In Bed/w Aaron I’ll see you next week…

Keep pushing, keep learning, and keep embracing the discomfort of showing up every day. 

I believe in you. 

- Aaron <3

P.S. Want to start 2025 with more momentum and clarity than ever?

Join us in Tulum for our next Founders Club Retreat!

- Explore all dimensions of entrepreneurial leadership

- Connect with 50 visionary founders

- Dive deep into transformative business strategies

Only a few non-member seats are available!