Win the week + Dinner invite {Included}

Elevate Your Business with this Simple update

Hey there, amazing people!

Welcome to all of the 125+ new subscribers who joined us this week. It's great to have you on board!

I have an exciting lineup to share with you today, so buckle up and let's dive in.

[ 3 topics we will cover ]

1. Hush update that will apply to you.

2. Marketing Framework that applies to every person/business.

3. Your FREE personal invite to my next 3 in person dinners.

First things first,

I heard that some of you got lost in the wrong link last week.

My bad! No worries though, we'll catch up in two weeks and make sure that doesn't happen again.

Now, let's talk Hush.

We're in the process of bringing on some critical key members to take our business to 100M.

How do we identify those key players, you ask? Well, after spending 18 hours with our business coach (who also happens to be our therapist), we've come up with something valuable that I think everyone can benefit from.

It's simple - you cannot be out of the game, not for a second. Regardless of your role in life, you must continue to build leverage all around you. This could mean learning a new skill on the weekend, networking, creating content, signing up for classes, or simply reading a book. Whatever it is, keep yourself on the field and stay in the game and ALL TIMES.

Hit reply and tell me a new skill you gained since Jan 1 🙂 

Moving on to #2 my basic marketing strategy framework, here's a quick rundown:

If there's pre-existing demand, go for search (Google, Bing).

If there's no pre-existing demand, focus on social media platforms (Insta, TikTok, Shorts, LinkedIn, Twitter).

If you have more time than money, invest in content (same platforms as social media).

And if you have more money than time, go for ads.

This framework is an excellent starting point, especially for first-time founders.

I think every consulting call I have ever done we waste 30 minutes going over this. Screenshot the above and save it.

Last but not least, I want to invite you all to our next three dinners. 

These dinners are totally free! (For you lol)

The founders dinner series has been incredible this year, over 5 billion in revenue attending so far.

My goal is to keep building out this community and keeping these events free for everyone.

Check out the links below for more details, but be quick - spots are limited, and it's first come, first served.

So that's it for today, folks. Thanks for reading, and I'll catch you all in the next one!

Chicago - (March 15h)

Toronto - (April 27th)

Montreal - (May 3rd)

- Have a great week!

Aaron S